About us

What do we do?

Healthcare4Ukraine was founded in early 2022 through the collaboration of the SAZ and PGGM. We deliver medicines and medical devices to hospitals and medical institutions in Ukraine on demand. We do this through fundraising. More then 95% of the fundings go effectively towards help in Ukraine. Healthcare4Ukraine has an ANBI status.

How do we do this?

The hospitals ask us for medicines and medical devices. See what we can deliver with our partners. All laws and regulations have been complied with, among other things through cooperation with Brocacef and the IDA Foundation.

The Regional Hospital in Lviv receives the medicines and medical devices. There, a dedicated surgeon involved coordinates the transport by small transport to the local victims and patients throughout Ukraine. So everything goes directly to the people who need it.

The transports include tourniquets (for binding), hemostatic bandages (which absorb as much blood as possible), medical equipment, infusion systems, blankets and sleeping bags, but also generators, incubators and even two ambulances and two rapid response cars. And a lot of medication. 

Who do this?

The board of Healthcare4Ukraine consists of the following persons:
Inge de Wit (general board member)
Edwin Velzel (general board member)
Filip Zoeteweij (chairman)

Policy plan